Cuba tanya sebarang orang bernama yang telah mencapai kejayaan, sama ada yang besar atau yang kecil pencapaiannya, saya percaya bahawa kebanyakannya akan berkata bahawa kejayaan mereka sebenarnya berpokok pangkal daripada sokongan keluarga yang berterusan. Berdasarkan kenyataan tersebut, memang benar sekiranya kita membuat konklusi bahawa setiap ahli keluarga kita berperanan dalam kejayaan kita kini.Mereka boleh membantu kita dengan banyak cara, sama ada dengan bantuan fizikal ataupun mental. Kedua-duanya berpotensi menjadi tangga kita ke arah pencapaian.
Pada setiap masa, tidak mengira tempoh kesusahan atau kebahagiaan, orang yang sentiasa berada di sekeliling kita ialah keluarga kita terutamanya ibu bapa. Ibu bapa mana yang tidak menyayangi anaknya. Sehingga ke akhirnya riwayat hidup mereka, mereka menjadi penyokong kita, sama ada dari segi fizikal ataupun psikologi pada setiap masa. Sekiranya sokongan mereka berhenti diberikan, maka nescaya seseorang tersebut susah serta sukar bagi mengharungi laluan hidupan yang dipenuhi dengan batu-batuan sebagai rintangan hidup. Namun, persoalan yang kini bermain-main dalam minda kita adalah, bahagaimanakah ahli keluarga memikul segunung tanggungjawab yang seluas langit dlam kejayaan seseorang, sama ada seseorang pelajar, seseorang usahawan, ataupun pemimpin negara?
Ahli keluarga yang pertama sekali yang diragui peranannya dalam kejayaan seseorang ialah ibu bapa kita yang kita kasihi. Sudah pasti setiap penjaga anak-anak, sama ada ibu atau bapa menampung minyak yang penuh ketika menjaga anak-anak mereka, dari sisi buaian hinggalah ke bangku sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah. Bapa-bapa, sebagai ketua keluarga mencari nafkah dari awal pagi sehingga lewat petang tanpa merungut sementara ibu-ibu yang yang lebih lemah-lembut menjaga rumah sepanjang hari sementara menyiapkan kerja rumah sebagai seseorang suri rumah tangga yang berkewajipan. Walaupun kedua-dua tugas dan kewajipan kedua-dua pihak berlainan seumpama langit dengan bumi, mereka sentiasa mengharapkan serta menitikberatkan kebahagiaan anak-anak mereka sepanjang masa. Tanpa penjagaan ibu bapa kita, tidak mungkinlah kita boleh mencapai apa yang kita kecapi hari ini dan masa depan. Segalanya pada badan kita dikurniai oleh ibu bapa kita, dari kaki hingga kepala. Setiap mulut makanan, setiap teguk air, setiap benang atas baju kita, tepatnya datang daripada ibu bapa. Manakala kita sebagai anak-anak, wajar bersyukur atas segala-galanya yang mungkin tidak didapat oleh orang lain dan membalas jasa ibu bapa kita pada suatu hari nanti. Sampai di sini, semua di atas hanyalah merangkumi asas-asas fizikal.
Apa yang diberikan secara mental oleh ibu bapa masih tersirat dalam pendapat saya yang belum disuarakan. Mungkin pendidikan yang telah kami terima tidak kesemuanya datang daripada ibu bapa kita, tapi cara kita bertutur sudah pastinya bertunjangkan ajaran ibu bapa kita. Ke mana pergi kuahnya, kalau tidak ke nasi. Sebahagian besar yang kita belajar datang daripada ibu bapa, terutamanya ajaran moral dan ajaran agama yang menjadikan kita berbudi bahasa dan berkemanusiaan sama ada ajaran Islam, ajaran Hindu ataupun ajaran Buddha. Namun, kesemua ajaran agama yang telah disertakan mempunyai satu persamaan yang sama, iaitu nilai kemanusiaan.
Manakala, ajaran moral pula mengajar kita tentang falsafah hidup, iaitu cara berfikir seperti seseorang yang berjaya. Kita belajar nilai kerajinan, nilai ketekunan, nilai berdikari, nilai bertoleransi, nilai amanah dan nilai rasional. Nilai-nilai amatlah berpotensi menjadikan seseorang seseorang yang berjaya secara berterusan.
Bukan itu sahaja, ibu bapa dapat menjadi teladan yang baik untuk anak-anak mereka. Nescaya mereka sudi berubah demi masa depan anak mereka yang lebih cerah, iaitu berubah menjadi seseorang yang berwawasan dan berjaya dalam kehidupan. Bukan sahaja anak-anak mereka akan meniru apa-apa personaliti yang menjadikan ibu bapa mereka insan yang berkejayaan, bahkan juga menjadikan mereka seseorang seperti ibu bapa mereka, Berdasarkan pengaruh ibu bapa terhadap anak-anak yang begitu besar impaknya, anak-anak mereka boleh diumpamakan sehelai kain yang bebas diwarnai oleh ibu bapa yang diumpamakan seseorang artis, sama ada mereka memiliki "skill" yang tinggi ataupun yang rendah. Yang tinggi kemampuan, ibu bapa boleh mencorak kehidupan anak-anak mereka dengan warna-warna yang mengagumkan. Dengan begitu banyak buktinya, mampukah kita mengatakan bahawa ibu bapa berperanan kecil dalam kejayaan seseorang?
Kini tiba pula peranan ahli keluarga selain daripada ibu bapa, iaitu kakak dan abang.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Drugs-Once tried, Forever addicted
The families of teen drug users are affected in these ways:
With more single mothers and an absent father and more divorces this is difficult enough on children. Some children feel they are responsible for the divorce and often parents don't take the time to explain to them that it is not their fault. We must always bear this in mind, teenagers and all other drug addicts are not born naturally addicted to drugs. In fact, it is surroundings that changed them. We may not think that we are not actually involved, but the truth is, every one of us plays an important role as their "surroundings".
- Children to teens have more peer pressure and magazines, movies, TV, the Internet don't always help their self esteem or, in many cases confuses the teen as to how to act and how to look rather than the truth. Plus, it is this adolescence phase that every human must go through, especially when their hormones are raging, we cannot help to prevent those unwanted pressure completely. We can only hope that every kid is strong or smart enough to prevent them. However, those who are parents can help and assist them as at the end of the parents are still the best and the earliest teachers to their students to grab their post.
- Some teens start out with lesser drugs such as Marijuana, but what most teens or parents do realize is that Marijuana is much stronger than it use to be or could be laced with other addictive drugs; perhaps alcohol and the most unsuspected drug of all ... what's in mom and dad's medicine cabinet .. prescription drugs!
- Monkey see, monkey do! If the parents party, drink too much or even smoke Marijuana or do prescription drugs themselves their teens are more apt to follow in their foot steps.
- Parents are so busy working to put keep a roof over their heads and food on the table they often are too tired to see how their child or teen is reacting and before they know what hit them their teen is out of control. Parents wonder why 'Jim' is acting moody, belligerent, sassy and refuses to cooperate. Why their teen may run away or do poorly in school.
- Children of all ages can get into the revolving door of drugs and then don't know how to get out of it. By this time the child or teen may be so into drugs that it is difficult for the parents to know what to do.
- Children/teen drug users can destroy a whole family by their arguing; stealing money for drugs; being violent both verbally and physically and abusing their own parents to their siblings. They often run away for days on end leaving the parent(s) worrying themselves sick.
- There are now good programs to go too for parents called 'Intervention' and the early a parent(s) child is treated the better chance they have of making it to sobriety.
Read more:
How Drugs Work
The brain contains many billions of cells, which are joined together at synapes - junctions at which they communicate through one-way signals. These signals are transmitted within the brain and enable actions such as a movement of the arm to happen. Cells communicate with each other using transmitters, which are contained in the vesicles (represented by the pink circles). An electric signal is sent down a cell, triggering the release of transmittors, which travel to the receptors of the receiving cell. When the receptor receives a transmitter, it changes shape and triggers another electric signal in its cell and the process begins again, continuing the communication between cells.
Drugs are essentially poisons. The amount taken determines the effect.
A small amount acts as a stimulant (speeds you up). A greater amount acts as a sedative (slows you down). An even larger amount poisons and can kill.
This is true of any drug. Only the amount needed to achieve the effect differs.
But many drugs have another liability: they directly affect the mind. They can distort the user’s perception of what is happening around him or her. As a result, the person’s actions may be odd, irrational, violent, inappropriate and even destructive.
Drugs block off all sensations, the desirable ones with the unwanted. So, while providing short-term help in the relief of pain, they also wipe out ability and alertness and muddy one’s thinking.
Medicines are drugs that are intended to speed up or slow down or change something about the way your body is working, to try to make it work better. Sometimes they are necessary. But they are still drugs: they act as stimulants or sedatives, and too much can kill you. So if you do not use medicines as they are supposed to be used, they can be as dangerous as illegal drugs. Normally, when a person remembers something, the mind is very fast and information comes to him quickly. But drugs blur memory, causing blank spots. When a person tries to get information through this cloudy mess, he can’t do it. Drugs make a person feel slow or stupid and cause him to have failures in life. And as he has more failures and life gets harder, he wants more drugs to help him deal with the problem.
What happens to the transmitter
Once the transmitter has served its purpose, it will either be broken down by enzymes or be transferred back to the nerve ending and reused (this second option is called re-uptake).
Many neurological disorders are caused by the imbalance of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin in the brain. For example, the "dopamine hypothesis" suggests that schizophrenia is linked to abnormal levels of dopamine in the brain. Drugs such as anti-depression narcotics affect a user's mood by using chemicals to change the movement of transmitters like serotonin between cells.
NEWS-Tulsa world
Alcohol, drugs affecting large numbers of teens in Oklahoma
By the end of the small-group session, it was apparent that all 15 teenagers in the room had been affected in some way by alcohol or drug use, either by abusing substances themselves or by watching friends or family members struggle with addiction.
Stories about peer pressure, loneliness, depression, experimentation, family history of addiction, and even rape and suicide attempts were talked about without fear of judgment Tuesday during Tulsa Community College's Teen Recovery Day.
According to the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, nearly 6 percent of Oklahoma teenagers - or about 20,000 - are in need of treatment for alcohol or drug addiction.
2007 state estimates of substance use among 12- to 17-year-olds
Question: However, why is this "drug civilization" taking over the world through teenagers? Is there a "root" for it? If so, how are we going to overcome it?
Answer: People take drugs because they want to change something about their lives.
Here are some of the reasons teenagers have given for taking drugs:
- To fit in
- To escape or relax
- To relieve boredom
- To seem grown up - Instead, short sighted, I could say.
- To rebel against somebody. Example, parents maybe? Sometimes just to attract their attention.
- To experiment. Some teenagers may think that drugs are not addictive. However, once tried, forever addicted.
They think drugs are a solution. But eventually, the drugs become the problem and their biggest mistake.
Difficult as it may be to face one’s problems, the consequences of drug use are always worse than the problem one is trying to solve with them. The real answer is to get the facts and not to take drugs in the first place. Before taking drugs, ask yourself this question: Is there other alternatives that I can take other than this? ; Will I be dragging others into hot water? Exp: Parents... By asking ourselves this questions, we might find a way out instead of a dead end.
One lie told about drugs is that they help a person become more creative. The truth is quite different.
Someone who is sad might use drugs to get a feeling of happiness, but it does not work. Drugs can lift a person into a fake kind of cheerfulness, but when the drug wears off, he or she crashes even lower than before. And each time, the emotional plunge is lower and lower. Eventually, drugs will completely destroy all the creativity a person has.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Dewa Maut Di Jalan Raya
Sejak penciptaan kereta oleh Karl Benz pada tahun 1886, kereta sudah menjadi sejenis pengangkutan yang penting bagi manusia. Dengan kereta, kita tidak perlu lagi menggunakan kaedah nenek moyang kita untuk merentasi pelbagai jalan dan bentuk bumi yang memakan masa dan wang yang banyak. Contohnya, jikalau kita hendak pergi ke Ipoh dari Kuala Lumpur, kita perlu berjalan secara berterusan selama 2 atau 3 hari. Pada masa yang sama, kita perlu mengongkoskan wang untuk tempat persinggahan dan makanan. Sebaliknya, jika kita menaiki kereta, kita akan sampai di sana dalam 3 jam sahaja. Memang tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa kereta dapat membantu kita dalam industri pengangkutan. Selain itu, kereta sedang menerusi evolusi yang panjang sejak penciptaannya. Model kereta kita berdekad-dekad dahulu telah digantikan dengan banyak model lain yang baharu. Bukan itu sahaja, penggunaannya menjadi lebih banyak dan enjinnya menjadi lebih rumit. Selaras dengan kemajuan dalam teknologi, saya percaya impian menjadikan kereta lebih berguna dan lebih cepat dapat berjaya. Namun begitu, selain penggunaannya yang luas, kemalangan yang saling berkait dengan kereta juga wujud. Setiap tahun, sebanyak 6000 orang telah terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya dan ini menjadikan negara kita Malaysia salah satu negara yang mencatat kadar kemalangan yang tinggi di dunia. Statistik yang diperoleh daripada Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya meninjukkan bahawa sepanjang Januari hingga Oktober 2005, sebanyak 272804 kes kemalangan direkodkan dan dalam tempoh yang sama pada tahun 2006, sejumlah 292295 kes kemalangan dicatatkan. Hal ini menunjukkan peningkatan dalam bilangan kes kemalangan jalan raya dengan ketara, terutamanya pada musim perayaan setiap kaum di Malaysia, jalan raya lebih kerap digunakan oleh pengguna jalan raya. Secara spontannya, kadar kemalangan jalan raya turut meningkat. Kerajaan kita juga mula menggaru kepalanya terhadap masalah kemalangan jalan raya ini yang telah menyentap nyawa kebanyakan penduduk Malaysia. Walaupun kerajaan kita telah melaksanakan pelbagai tindakan seperti meminta bantuan media massa dan menglibatkan pendidikan keselamatan jalan raya dalam pendidikan sekolah, tindakan ini bagai membuang garam ke laut. Sebenarnya, ada banyak tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan kita. Namun begitu, tanpa bantuan dan penggemblengan tenaga antara pihak kerajaan dan rakyat, pihak kerajaan kita bagai hendak terbang tiada sayap, hendak hinggap tiada kaki. Intihannya, kerjasama antara kedua-dua pihak ini memang teras untuk menggurangkan kadar kemalangan jalan raya. Sebelum kita menyorot lebih jauh ke dalam masalah ini, kita masih perlu mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya kemalangan jalan raya. Apakah "dewa maut" di jalan raya?
Hakikatnya, kecuaian pengguna jalan raya adalah antara faktor utama yang menyebabkan berlakunya kemalangan jalan raya. Walaupun kerajaan telah menggunakan bantuan pihak media untuk menyedarkan mereka tentang kecuaian mereka, malah mereka mengulangi kesalahan berulang kali. Sebagai akibat, mereka sering terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya. Misalnya, pengguna jalan raya, terutamanya pemandu suka bercakap melalui telefon tanpa "hands-free", iaitu mereka menggunakan satu tangan untuk memegang telefon dan sebelah tangan lagi untuk memandu serta ini menggangu tumpuan pemandu semasa memandu dan menurunkan kebolehan mereka untuk menggelak kereta lain. Satu lagi tabiat buruk pemandu yang menyebabkan kemalangan jalan raya ialah meminum arak yang mengandungi bahan yang dapat mengkaburkan pemikiran mereka sebelum memandu. Apa yang seorang pemandu yang mabuk lihat ialah kekaburan dan bentuk-bentuk yang mengelirukan. Jika dia dibenarkan memandu, kemungkinan dia terlibat dalam sebuah kemalangan amatlah tinggi. Oleh itu, adakah pemandu yang sebegini keadaannya dibenarkan memandu dan membahayakan nyawa pengguna jalan raya yang lain? Pada pendapat saya, sudah tentunya tidak.
Hakikatnya, kecuaian pengguna jalan raya adalah antara faktor utama yang menyebabkan berlakunya kemalangan jalan raya. Walaupun kerajaan telah menggunakan bantuan pihak media untuk menyedarkan mereka tentang kecuaian mereka, malah mereka mengulangi kesalahan berulang kali. Sebagai akibat, mereka sering terlibat dalam kemalangan jalan raya. Misalnya, pengguna jalan raya, terutamanya pemandu suka bercakap melalui telefon tanpa "hands-free", iaitu mereka menggunakan satu tangan untuk memegang telefon dan sebelah tangan lagi untuk memandu serta ini menggangu tumpuan pemandu semasa memandu dan menurunkan kebolehan mereka untuk menggelak kereta lain. Satu lagi tabiat buruk pemandu yang menyebabkan kemalangan jalan raya ialah meminum arak yang mengandungi bahan yang dapat mengkaburkan pemikiran mereka sebelum memandu. Apa yang seorang pemandu yang mabuk lihat ialah kekaburan dan bentuk-bentuk yang mengelirukan. Jika dia dibenarkan memandu, kemungkinan dia terlibat dalam sebuah kemalangan amatlah tinggi. Oleh itu, adakah pemandu yang sebegini keadaannya dibenarkan memandu dan membahayakan nyawa pengguna jalan raya yang lain? Pada pendapat saya, sudah tentunya tidak.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Teen Problems First Aid
Children today are blessed with peace and harmony of the society. Not very much of violence and wars. Technology and science are so advanced that uncountable information and knowledge are at the touch of our fingertips . Everywhere we see people clicking on the cellphones, typing on advanced laptops, holding and swiping on their latest touch screen phones and completing many other missions that we can accomplish today. Teenagers are undeniably technology based. If we take a huge step back in time, we would notice many obvious differences. Lethal illness that cannot be remedied at that time can be now cured with the existence of effective medicines. However, behind all these blessings, there is the dark side of it. Teenagers' problems increase as well because they are more exposed to negative auras of the media and the society. Teenagers' problems include gangsterism, bullies, playing truant and the list can go on and on because outlets of negative and violent information burst out in great numbers. Even the advancements of technology couldn't help in this drastic situation as it will only worsen the condition of teenage problems. Plus, the advancements of technology cannot be stopped as the future of mankind depend on it. Therefore, mankind must depend on nothing but themselves to curb teenagers' problems.
Research has proven that even if parents lock their kids in their own room will still cause teenagers' problems because the anger and disappointment towards their own parents in teenagers may be aroused. Therefore, teenagers should be given monitored freedom to give them long-lasting happiness and protect them from negative auras during their adolescence. To do that, we must start with parents who are the first people that educate and morph them into what they are today . However, we might find that most parents are either ignorant or unknown to their childrens' problems if we take a closer look at modern parenting. Many might think that this is not an enormous problem but in reality, any leak outs may be a disastrous blunder that lead to catastrophic results. For example, parents have the tendency of leaving their children near schools without making sure that their children had entered the school. As a result, this increase the risk of their children getting involved in playing truant. When one of their children was caught, then they will realize what wrongdoings that they had made in the first place and till then, it is already too late. Let's not make the future remind us about our wrongdoings, now is a perfect time for a change, we can make a difference.
Besides that, i believe almost all of the parents wanted their children to be successful in life. To achieve that, they force their children to study harder and longer hours. I had seen some parents that had gone overboard by forcing their children to tuition everyday, Monday to Sunday, 5 hours a day. What is this torture? Even a fully matured adult will find this "caring" as a form of torture to children. For their children's future, they ruthlessly sacrifice their children's well deserved happy childhood. The worse thing about this torture is children's protest are not even heeded at all. Plus, most children have no courage to inform this torture to anyone else. This also increases students' hatred to study. This must be avoided by hook or by croak at all times. To those parents that have their children tuition-bounded, try stepping into their shoes and compare your childhood with theirs today. I believe that nothing is alike. Teenagers' in the 1960s and 1970s have very less tuition classes as not many tuition centres are popular at that time. Most of their free time are filled up by playing tradisional games and studying. Today, many traditional games are not seen often. Only ipads and computer games lead the gaming industries. To prevent their children from being more obssessed with these "chronic" games, they used tuition classes as a good yard stick. Plus, they do not need to look after their children too frequently when they are at their tuition centres. Besides school as their "second" home, tuition centres are nowdays most teenagers' "third" home. Through newspapers, we could see many commit suicide cases that are mostly cause by stresses we face everyday. Unfortunately, teenagers are not excluded as they face large amounts of stress through homeworks and studies. How sad it is. Parents must now realize that teenagers' happiness matters most because it cannot be bought by money, it can only be obtained through time and freedom.
Research has proven that even if parents lock their kids in their own room will still cause teenagers' problems because the anger and disappointment towards their own parents in teenagers may be aroused. Therefore, teenagers should be given monitored freedom to give them long-lasting happiness and protect them from negative auras during their adolescence. To do that, we must start with parents who are the first people that educate and morph them into what they are today . However, we might find that most parents are either ignorant or unknown to their childrens' problems if we take a closer look at modern parenting. Many might think that this is not an enormous problem but in reality, any leak outs may be a disastrous blunder that lead to catastrophic results. For example, parents have the tendency of leaving their children near schools without making sure that their children had entered the school. As a result, this increase the risk of their children getting involved in playing truant. When one of their children was caught, then they will realize what wrongdoings that they had made in the first place and till then, it is already too late. Let's not make the future remind us about our wrongdoings, now is a perfect time for a change, we can make a difference.
Besides that, i believe almost all of the parents wanted their children to be successful in life. To achieve that, they force their children to study harder and longer hours. I had seen some parents that had gone overboard by forcing their children to tuition everyday, Monday to Sunday, 5 hours a day. What is this torture? Even a fully matured adult will find this "caring" as a form of torture to children. For their children's future, they ruthlessly sacrifice their children's well deserved happy childhood. The worse thing about this torture is children's protest are not even heeded at all. Plus, most children have no courage to inform this torture to anyone else. This also increases students' hatred to study. This must be avoided by hook or by croak at all times. To those parents that have their children tuition-bounded, try stepping into their shoes and compare your childhood with theirs today. I believe that nothing is alike. Teenagers' in the 1960s and 1970s have very less tuition classes as not many tuition centres are popular at that time. Most of their free time are filled up by playing tradisional games and studying. Today, many traditional games are not seen often. Only ipads and computer games lead the gaming industries. To prevent their children from being more obssessed with these "chronic" games, they used tuition classes as a good yard stick. Plus, they do not need to look after their children too frequently when they are at their tuition centres. Besides school as their "second" home, tuition centres are nowdays most teenagers' "third" home. Through newspapers, we could see many commit suicide cases that are mostly cause by stresses we face everyday. Unfortunately, teenagers are not excluded as they face large amounts of stress through homeworks and studies. How sad it is. Parents must now realize that teenagers' happiness matters most because it cannot be bought by money, it can only be obtained through time and freedom.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Aduhai... Sakit lagi!
Apabila jangkitan penyakit H1N1 yang merebak seperti api di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2010 dan 2011 serta dilaporkan secara luas oleh media massa, orang ramai sekali lagi menjadi mangsa kepada kebimbangan kerana penyakit ini yang pada awalnya dianggap misteri ini belum ada ubat antibiotik yang mujarab. Berita tentang kehilangan nyawa yang disebab oleh penyakit ini memburukkan lagi keadaannya. Sejak kemunculan penyakit kronik tersebut, hidup rakyat di seluruh dunia ibarat jiwa bergantung di hujung rambut. Jika dijangkiti penyakit tersebut, kematian menanti. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, impian manusia mencipta penawar untuk semua penyakit seumpama menanti kucing bertanduk tetapi kini, selaras dengan kemajuan teknologi, impian tersebut tidak dianggap jauh panggang dari api lagi. Namun begitu, banyak penyakit masih dijangkiti oleh orang ramai. Jelaslah bahawa masalah ini tidak disebabkan oleh kemunduran dari segi perubatan, sebaliknya ini saling berkait dengan punca penyakit-penyakit. Jikalau hal ini ditinjau dengan teliti, soal kebersihan menjadi penyebabnya yang utama. Tengoklah persekitaran kebanyakan rumah yang tidak dilawat oleh Alam Flora, sampah bertimbun dan lalat berterbangan di kawasan tersebut. Pada masa yang sama, lalat merupakan serangga yang dapat merebakkan pelbagai penyakit dengan "effektif". Soal penyakit memang tidak boleh dipandang ringan. Semua faktor yang saling berkait dengan penyakit mestilah dihapuskan supaya kemungkinan dijangkiti dapat diturunkan.
Salah satu penyakit yang mengancam nyawa orang ramai ialah demam dengue, terutamanya kanak-kanak yang mempunyai metabolisme yang lebih lemah jika dibandingkan dengan orang dewasa. Dalam banyak kes kejangkitan penyakit tersebut, penyakit tersebut tidak disedari oleh orang ramai sehinggalah penyakit tersebut mempengaruhi aktiviti harian mereka. iaitu semasa penyakit itu mencapai peringkat yang kritikal serta bahaya.
Salah satu penyakit yang mengancam nyawa orang ramai ialah demam dengue, terutamanya kanak-kanak yang mempunyai metabolisme yang lebih lemah jika dibandingkan dengan orang dewasa. Dalam banyak kes kejangkitan penyakit tersebut, penyakit tersebut tidak disedari oleh orang ramai sehinggalah penyakit tersebut mempengaruhi aktiviti harian mereka. iaitu semasa penyakit itu mencapai peringkat yang kritikal serta bahaya.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Should students be allowed to wear their choice clothes to school?
Based on the question above, I would agree to that.
Before we venture even further into this matter, let's take a big step back in time, back in the 1920s and 1930s, where our ancestors wore white uniform and olive green-colored long pants while the females wore blue skirts and white T-shirts. Today, students' school uniforms are very much the same as the uniforms 80 years ago. Only a few sets of new 'stylish' school uniforms are introduced by private schools and colleges. Still, it makes quite a difference to the society.
Let's switch the spotlight to the clothes students wear in other countries. Many foreign people are very open-minded and they can accept more things than we Malaysians can. Even schools are included. Clothes especially, they are not finicky about them. Students and teachers are free to wear many types of clothes and there are not many hard and fast rules about it. Many types of clothes are allowed: singlets, T-shirts without collars, short pants, jeans and the list can go on and on. However, at the other side of the puzzle, schools in some countries, including ours had hard and fast regulations for clothes. School managements in certain countries are very fastidious and particular with students' uniforms. For example, students are not allowed to wear anything else except their school uniforms. If any student was found against that rule, strict actions and heavy punishments will be taken. While I recall these vivid moments when I am Form One, there was a rule that allows prefects to fine anyone that wore so called "illegal" clothes. I couldn't blame these prefects because they are just following the rules, only the rules are to be blamed. They seemed to be blame-proof as most of the people paid no serious attention towards this matter.
Instead of calling students' choice illegal, what would happen if we labeled them beneficial? I think we would be shocked by how great the impact of that action to students around the globe. Everyday we read newspapers and everyday we see the net of poverty everywhere. Students' parents may also be slums. Their financial problems alone are already gruesome enough, if necessary school uniforms still demand large amounts of money, it will be like sprinkling salt on their wounds. Nevertheless school uniforms cost an arm and a leg and parent have to pay through their noses in order to prevent their sons and daughters from being punished. To those people that have no financial problems, buying expensive school uniforms is not a very big problem. On the contrary, it is to the parents that have financial problems on their backs. The alleviate the problem, school managements should emend the school rules and regulations. Students' choice clothes should be made legal, so that students' parents do not need to pay the earth for pricey school uniforms.
Before the problem can be solved, students still need to wear those irritating school uniforms. As I am a Malaysian student, I knew how other students actually felt when they are wearing their school uniforms. Most students feel hot and stifle with their uniforms on because most of them are made from cotton or nylon.. Cotton-made school uniforms absorb beads of perspiration but it traps heat inside it while nylon-made uniforms frees heat but have low absorption of sweat. None of them provides students with comfort. However, choice clothes are able to provide comfort at the other hand. Choice clothes like singlets, T-shirts without collars and short pants may be a powerful anti-discomfort kick. Specific types of choice clothes are both good heat radiators and sweat absorbers. So, should we abolish the "must" for school uniforms?
Ask any student in any school about their opinion towards school uniforms and chances are, four out of five will answer dull. Simple reason. School uniforms has limited colors: olive green, white, grey, black, blue and the list of dull colors can go on and on. Some teachers may also grow fed-up with the monotonous colors on students and it may effect their teaching mood indirectly. Imagine sitting in a sea of dull colors, no doubt that our emotion will change from jubilant to dreary. Do we want a change in colors? Some may agree with that. If students choice clothes are approved, students may wear something brighter and more lively colored clothes. There will be a definite change in the atmosphere. An atmosphere of fun and joy. Compare that atmosphere we have today and we might be shocked by the difference. Students and teachers will walk to school with renewed confidence and joy. According to the investigation that had taken part recently, it has been scientifically proven that bright colors like yellow and red can enhance students' concentration in studies and improve students' mood. How true it is.
In my opinion, choice clothes do bring more advantages, rather than its disadvantages. Although many years has passed, but this tradition of wearing school uniforms still exist in our modern society. Its time to think positive and label students' choice clothes as a beneficial agent. Let this tradition fade through time and maybe we could help students.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
There are many types of cells. For example : Squamous and cuticle in plants.
Q : Are cells smaller than atoms?
A : No! In fact, atoms are much smaller than cells and they itself contains them.
Definition of cell : the basic unit of life of all living things.
Parts of cell :
Plasma membrane
-made up of proteins and phospholipids ( Chemistry- Form 4 Chapter 3)
-semi-permeable to ions and organic molecules Example: OXYGEN, CARBON DIOXIDE
-protects the cell from external environment.
-Regulate the movement of selective substances in and out of the cell.
Cell wall
-ONLY FOUND in plant cells.
-A rigid layer which surrounds the plasma membrane
-Made up of CELLULOSE.
-Maintains shape
-Mechanical support
-plant cell will burst when excess water enters the cell without cell wall.
-where oxidation of glucose takes place.
-Glucose transforms into ATP(Adenosine triphosphate) which is an energy.
-a network of cisternae that holds together components of the cell.
-within the cytoplasm.
Cell reproduction
-do not occur in gametes and spores(they take part in meiosis)
-occurs every 24 hours
-important to replace old cells in one's body.
-after division, both cells has 46 chromosomes (structures that are made up from DNA( deoxyribonucleic acid )
-only a part of the cell cycle( includes Mitotic phase and interphase)
-every mitotic phase takes about 80 minutes.
Stages of Mitosis
1)Prophase - the DNA condenses, organizes and the classic chromosomes' structure appear.
2)Prometaphase -microtubules attach themselves to the chromosomes.
3)Metaphase - the chromosomes align at the equator of the cell.
4)Anaphase - the chromatids are pulled away from its original form(chromosomes) by the microtubules towards the poles( centrosomes ).
5)Telophase - the nuclear membrane forms around the newly formed chromosomes. Two nucleus forms
6)Cytokinesis - The cell separates into two daughter cells.
INTERPHASE (A part of the cell cycle)
-Separated into three parts: G1------S------G2
o G1 (Gap 1) - Cell becomes active, parts of cell ( exp: Mitochondria ) doubles.
o S ( Synthesis phase ) - DNA( forms the chromosomes ) in the cell replicates.
o G2 ( Gap 2 ) - The cell finishes replicating. Two centrosomes appeared in the cytoplasm of the cell.
There are many types of cells. For example : Squamous and cuticle in plants.
Q : Are cells smaller than atoms?
A : No! In fact, atoms are much smaller than cells and they itself contains them.
Definition of cell : the basic unit of life of all living things.
Parts of cell :
Plasma membrane
-made up of proteins and phospholipids ( Chemistry- Form 4 Chapter 3)
-semi-permeable to ions and organic molecules Example: OXYGEN, CARBON DIOXIDE
-protects the cell from external environment.
-Regulate the movement of selective substances in and out of the cell.
Cell wall
-ONLY FOUND in plant cells.
-A rigid layer which surrounds the plasma membrane
-Made up of CELLULOSE.
-Maintains shape
-Mechanical support
-plant cell will burst when excess water enters the cell without cell wall.
-where oxidation of glucose takes place.
-Glucose transforms into ATP(Adenosine triphosphate) which is an energy.
-a network of cisternae that holds together components of the cell.
-within the cytoplasm.
Cell reproduction
-do not occur in gametes and spores(they take part in meiosis)
-occurs every 24 hours
-important to replace old cells in one's body.
-after division, both cells has 46 chromosomes (structures that are made up from DNA( deoxyribonucleic acid )
-only a part of the cell cycle( includes Mitotic phase and interphase)
-every mitotic phase takes about 80 minutes.
Stages of Mitosis
1)Prophase - the DNA condenses, organizes and the classic chromosomes' structure appear.
2)Prometaphase -microtubules attach themselves to the chromosomes.
3)Metaphase - the chromosomes align at the equator of the cell.
4)Anaphase - the chromatids are pulled away from its original form(chromosomes) by the microtubules towards the poles( centrosomes ).
5)Telophase - the nuclear membrane forms around the newly formed chromosomes. Two nucleus forms
6)Cytokinesis - The cell separates into two daughter cells.
INTERPHASE (A part of the cell cycle)
-Separated into three parts: G1------S------G2
o G1 (Gap 1) - Cell becomes active, parts of cell ( exp: Mitochondria ) doubles.
o S ( Synthesis phase ) - DNA( forms the chromosomes ) in the cell replicates.
o G2 ( Gap 2 ) - The cell finishes replicating. Two centrosomes appeared in the cytoplasm of the cell.
( Mitosis can start )
Kemunculan kafe siber di negara kita seumpama cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan. Keadaan ini memang mengharumkan nama baik negara kita sebagai negara yang maju dalam teknologi komputer. Pada zaman dahulu, nenek moyang kita hidup dalam dunia yang mundur daripada segi teknologi dan kafe siber belum wujud. Kini, kita hidup dalam dunia yang serba maju dan kemunculan kemunculan kafe siber bukan lagi isu katak ditimpa kemarau. Perbezaan antara dua zaman ini seumpama langit dangan bumi. Namun begitu, kemajuan ini yang begitu ketara juga mendatangkan keburukan yang tidak boleh dipandang rendah, termasuklah kemunculan kafe siber. Apakah keburukan yang didatangkan oleh kafe siber?
Salah satu daripada keburukan yang didatangkan oleh kafe siber ialah kehilangan tumpuan pelajar dalam kelas. Hal ini kerana para pelajar berfikiran bahawa permainan komputer di kafe siber lebih menarik jika dibandingkan dengan pelajaran. Akibatnya, prestasi pelajar akan merosot kerana pelajar tidak menerima informasi yang disampaikan oleh gurunya dangan sepenuhnya. Para pelajar seharusnya menumpukan perhatian dalam kelas supaya mereka boleh menyerap ilmu pengetahuan dengan lebih efektif. Untuk merealisasikan keadaan ini, pihak kerajaan kita perlu mengurangkan bilangan kafe siber di negara kita supaya prestasi pelaja boleh diperbaikikan.
Selain itu, kemunculan kafe siber menyebabkan kebanyakan pelajar ponteng sekolah. Kafe siber sudah menjadi tempat pelajar berpelesiran kerana ia seumpama penghibur terbaik pelajar. Keadaan ini seumpama dikenakan garam atas luka apabila para pelajar sanggup ponteng sekolah untuk mengunjungi kafe siber. Hal ini menunjukkan keseriusan impak kafe siber dalam kalangan pelajar. Mereka rela mengorbankan masa belajar mereka untuk mengunjungi kafe siber. Akibatnya, mereka gagal menyerap ilmu pengetahuan yang secukupnya. Bukan sekadar itu, terdapat segelintir pelajar yang dikenakan hukuman dibuang sekolah kerana memonteng sekolah. Namun begitu, mereka masih berkeras untuk mengunjugi kafe siber walaupun dihukum. Patutkah mereka mengorbankan masa depan mereka yang cerah sekadar untuk mendapat hiburan yang terhad?
Di samping itu, kemunculan kafe siber akan memudaratkan kesihatan para pelajar. Hal ini sedemikian keran kebanyakan pengguna komputer, termasuklah para pelajar, tidak mengamalkan posisi serta postur yang betul. Oleh itu, tulang belakang mereka mula membengkok kerana tekanan ke atasnya terlalu besar. Selain itu, monitor komputer juga memancarkan sinaran ultraungu yang boleh menjejaskan penglihatan pelajar. Itulah sebab kebanyakan pelajar pada hari ini mempunyai penglihatan yang lemah. Jika ditinjau dengan teliti, mata kita kurang berkelip apabila kita sedang menggunakan komputer kerana kita tertarik oleh pancaran cahaya yang berwarna. Hal ini menyebabkan kita mengalami mata kering dan dijangkiti penyakit-penyakit yang lain seperti myopia dan hyperopia. Tambahan pula, kesan negatif pancaran cahaya komputer yang terlampau terang terhadap mata ditambahseriuskan apabil digabungkan dengan suasana gelap di dalam kafe siber. Oleh sebab itu, wajarlah para pelajar mengurangkan kunjungan mereka ke kafe siber.
Lebih-lebih lagi, memang tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa kafe siber ialah salah satu sumber maklumat dan informasi yang bersifat negatif. Di kebanyakan kafe siber, komputer tidak mempunyai sekatan maklumat dan informasi yang negatif. Tambahan pula, para pelajar tidak akan diawasi oleh ibu bapa dan guru mereka. Mereka sering menggangap mereka sebagai pendalang mereka untuk melayari laman web yang disukai oleh mereka. Di kafe siber, mereka bebas melayari sebarang laman web yang terdapat dalam dunia media. Malangnya, mereka terdedah kepada sebarang informasi dan maklumat di kafe siber. Maka dalam jangka masa yang panjang, para pelajar yang pergi ke kafe siber untuk melayari Internet akan dipengaruhi oleh maklumat tersebut dan mereka akan mengalami kerosakan akhlak yang serius.
Secara tuntasnya, kafe siber diwujudkan di Malaysia hanyalah untuk kebaikan orang ramai, Namun begitu, terdapat golongan yang menyalahgunakannya dan menjadikannya sebagai salah satu pihak yang disalahkan atas kerosakan akhlak orang ramai, terutamanya golongan pelajar. Kafe siber tidak patut dipersalahkan secara bulat-bulat kerana pihak-pihak lain seperti ibu bapa, pihak sekolah, rakan sebaya dan pihak kerajaan juga memikul tanggungjawab yang tertentu terhadap masalah dalam kalangan remaja. Walau bagaimanapun, setiap masalah pun ada cara penyelesaiannya, bak kata orang-orang tua, tiada kusut yang tidak selesai dan tiada keruh yang tidak jernih. Tindakan yang rasional perlulah dilaksanakan secepat mungkin terhadap kafe siber demi masa depan para pelajar.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Be Careful What You Wish For
Wish, in the dictionary it was said as a hope or desire for something. In the eyes of a normal person, wish can only be given by a god or a deity he believed in. However, wishes are also called as a bane in a boon. Besides the benefits given, it has its side effects and it is only the matter of light and serious. Therefore, wishes must be cautiously viewed and made. If a god or a deity appears before your eyes and they ask you about your wish, what should we do? Should we be convulsing with fear or should we assert our wish without thinking? At this point, allow me to explain the ambiguity surrounding this word with the great hope that all doubts about the word ‘wish’ would fade away.
Secondly, friends should also be considered and included in planning our wish. Close and loyal friends are often as caring and supportive as our brothers and sisters because most of them are our peers and may have had similar experiences both good and bad. Even when they are unable to offer solutions, their patience and understanding, lending their ears would help much to dissipate anguish when we are troubled. Mostly, they would help us confront obstacles not much different to those that we face in our quest for success in our future. As the saying goes, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed'. They arouse the spirit of competing, the lust to strive for improvement and they build hope in our lives. In our daily lives, they accompany us. They laugh together. They provide us the shoulder to lean on during hard times. They bring us joy and offer us help when we are in sorrow. In our daily lives, the company we keep is critical in moldings the way we become as we grow up. Even our teachers can also be considered as our friends. At school, they may be our mentors and gurus, but when we leave school, their influence will stay with us, years after we leave the school. Our enemies are also our friends if we see them in good light. Basically, everyone is our friend. Therefore, we should always wish for the best not only for my friends but also for my foes.
Thirdly, a wish that is granted to us, undoubtedly, will have our best interest. However, the impact brought upon us by our wishes may unwittingly have negative impact on others. A good wish must not bring harm to anyone and it should be beneficial to us. It would be wonderful if our wishes could provide for positive effects on ourselves as well as those around us, near or far. In an ideal ‘utopia’, it would be unusually fabulous if such a wish can bring benefit to us and as well as others.
How do we make a good wish? It may be heart searching and mind boggling question. Still, it is yet to be answered. Deep consideration is important. We should ponder over it repeatedly before wishing for something as the upshot of our wish may have adverse consequences. We should not jump the gun or we may have to pay the piper. We must think about its benefits and disadvantages, if any, about our wish. It is indeed foolish and selfish to wish for something that may have negative effects upon others and benefit ourselves only. No sane person on Earth would like to rain destruction upon mankind and in that process, annihilate themselves. For instance, a wish for lots of money may bring a short-lived happiness because money cannot buy happiness. Furthermore, his or her substantial wealth can also give rise to increased greed and selfishness in the people around him or her. Therefore, monetary gains may not always provide positive outcomes and happiness.
Besides that, many people may think that immortality and finding the key to the fountain of youth should bring happiness and a meaningful life, much like the feel good fairy tales that are dramatized in the movies. However, it can be an untrue scenario. No one can be an island; we need family and friends around us in order to lead a happy and fruitful life. When those close to us passes on and we watch helplessly, we may not feel the pain of dying but we will always feel the pain of losing our loved ones. The excruciating agony and sorrow watching our loved ones die is far worse than dying. Do we actually want that? Some people may say that wishing for immortality for everyone is the best way to avoid the sorrow of losing our loved ones. It may seem true but in the long run, it may rain destruction upon mankind. It could be opening a can of worms, one good wish leading to perpetual problem issues for all.
From the various issues discussed above, we may conclude that immortality and agelessness will only bring more grief and disorder to our halcyon world. Making a good wish is indeed a most challenging and yet exciting task. It is especially difficult when we would very much like to find one that is both rewarding to ourselves and our loved ones and yet have no adverse impact on others outside our circle.
The movie X- men and other fantasy stories have affected mankind in their wish-choosing. Men may start imagining about the extraordinary power they could have like the characters in movies and stories. But wishing for non existence of such powers may cause us to look like fools who continuously make wishes that are unattainable. Wishes are mere desires. We should simply stop wishing and work towards accomplishing what we wish for. Otherwise wishes will only be dreams forever. Let us not live in a dream world, let’s get real.
In a nut shell, wish must be cautiously made because it will bring permanent damage if we do not do so. Therefore, be careful what you wish for.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Peranan Ibu Bapa Dalam Mendidik Anak
Peranan ibu bapa dan keluarga tidak wajar dikesampingkan. Tidak dapat dinafikan ibu bapa mempunyai tanggungjawab hakiki untuk membanteras gejala sosial ini yang kian mendadak. Kini, ibu bapa telah menjadikan wang sebagai matlamat hidup mereka kerana wang seumpama menjadi tuhan kedua bagi manusia, termasuklah ibu bapa. Mereka menggangap wang adalah segala-galanya. Mereka memenuhi segala keperluan asas anak-anak seperti makanan, minuman, dan tempat tinggal. Malangnya, mereka gagal menghujani anak-anak mereka dengan kasih sayang yang mencukupi. namun begitu, terdapat segelitir ibu bapa berasa mereka telah melaksanakan tugas mereka sebagai ibu bapa dangan sempurna dengan mengaut keuntungan untuk keluarga. Mereka harus disedarkan bahawa seseorang anak yang bersahsiah baik tidak boleh ditukarkan dengan duit dan wang. Kesedaran perlu diterapkan ke dalam diri ibu bapa sebelum terlewat kerana mereka merupakan orang penting dalam membentuk keperibadian serta sahsiah anak-anak. Anak-anak boleh diibaratkan sebagai sehelai kain putih yang bebas diwarnakan oleh ibu bapa. Jikalau diwarnakan hitam, maka hitamlah mereka. Kita tidak harus menyalahkan remaja sepenuhnya apabila mereka terlibat dalam gejala sosial. Ibu bapalah yang harus memikul tanggungjawab yang terbesar. Mereka sepatutnya mengasuh mereka dangan kasih sayang yang secukupnya. Seandainya remaja tidak diberi kasih sayang yang mencukupi, mereka akan terasa dirinya terabai serta tidak disayangi oleh ibu bapa lagi. Secara berterusan, mereka mudah dipengaruhi serta terjerumus ke dalam gejala sosial yang sedang bergelora dalam masyarakat kita. Selain itu, ibu bapa mesti memberikan tunjuk ajar serta didikan agama ke arah menggilam akal budi anak-anak mereka. Pendidikan agama amat signifikan kerana agamalah yang akan membimbing remaja ke arah kesucian dan pemikiran secara rasional, dengan kata lain menjadi instrumen mengekang gejala kebejatan moral remaja. Contohnya, penglibatan anak dalam gejala sosial adalah haram dari segi ajaran Islam. Bagi mereka yang bukan ajara Islam pula, agama-agama yang lain tetap menerapkan nilai-nilai murni seperti bertolak ansur dan ketaatan kepada ibu bapa. Dengan berbekalkan asas peribadi yang kukuh, anak-anak akan terus mempraktikkan disiplin diri di mana sahaja mereka berada, termasuklah di rumah dan di sekolah.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Gejala sosial : Pedih di mata, malu di hati
Pada lewat malam, kelihatan beberapa orang remaja yang yang sedang melakukan perkara yang sia-sia di taman. Mereka sedang melastik lampu-lampu yang terletak di tepi jalan. Apabila batu yang dilastik oleh mereka terkena sasaran mereka, mentol lampu pecah dan mereka pun ketawa sepuas-puasnya. Adakah situasi in patut berlaku dalam kalangan remaja? Sebelum menyorot lebih jauh tentang kebejatan sahsiah remaja yang menjatuhkan akhlak, wajarlah saya mendefinisikan gejala sosial. Frasa ini ialah petanda negatif yang ditunjukkan oleh seseorang dalam tindakan yang berkaitan dengan masyarakat. Kebanyakan orang mudah dipengaruhi oleh gejala sosial yang semakin berleluasa kerana kedankalan dari segi pendidikan agama dan pendidikan moral. Manakala vandalisme adalah sejenis gejala yang berkembang secara berterusan. Gejala sosial ibarat duri dalam daging yang telah mencapai tahap yang membimbangkan. Pada tahun 1970-an, nenek moyang kita hidup dalam dunia yang aman damai tanpa gangguan gejala sosial. Kini, isu gejala sosial telah mendapat liputan meluas oleh pihak media. Kemunculan berita tentang gejala sosial di seluruh dunia pada dada-dada akhbar pada setiap hari bukan lagi isu yang menghairankan. Perbezaan antara zaman dahulu dan zaman moden yang dinikmati sekarang seumpama langit dengan bumi. Pertukaran yang besar ini dalam masa yang singkat sudah mendapat perhatian daripada semua pihak. Lingkungan umur remaja yang terlibat dalam gejala sosial menjadi lebih kecil. Remaja telah menjejakkan kaki ke dalam dunia gejala sosial dan isu ini telah mencetuskan pelbagai pendapat dalam kalangan orang ramai. Hal ini terbukti melalui insiden seseorang pelajar dari Chennai telah disyaki melakukan pembunuhan kejam terhadap seorang guru dan insiden ini telah mengejutkan pelbagai pihak di kawasan tersebut. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat pihak yang bertanggungjawab atas kemerosotan akhlak remaja yang hanya meneruskan omong kosong mereka yang tidak berbuah hasil. Jika masalah ini ditinjau dengan teliti, kerosakan akhlak dalam kalangan remaja akan membawa impak yang besar terhadap masa depan kita. Hal ini bukannya berasaskan imaginasi, tetapi realiti kehidupan yang perlu diterima oleh setiap pihak. Walau bagaimanapun, semangat kental semua pihak tentu dapat menandingi masalah ini yang merunsingkan.
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